Miguel's and the fit homeless.

So, for those non-climbers out there, I'd like to give you an eye into the climbing community. We are at a place called Miguel's. Short story is that it's a Pizza place. I don't know the whole history on it, but I'll give you what I know from being here a couple days and from the week I spent here 7 and a half years ago. Right now I am sitting in a basement area with nice wooden tables and chairs and a high center desk type table. The tables have chess/checker boards on them. I am using the free wireless Internet to type this for you. There are three (geeky) climbers who are "gaming" with each other in the corner. One is a bear and they are talking about the "oracle glade" a lot. ???? I don't get it and I never will. There are pretty Christmas lights strung throughout the basement and it appears to seat about 50 people cozily. This room wasn't here when I was here 7 years ago that I remember. If it was it wasn't finished as it is now. It is open (as everything is) to anyone who is camping here. The upstairs is a pretty typical pizza place except for all the climbing gear and clothing for sale hanging from the walls. It is very reasonable. You can get a half pizza (four slices) for $5. They have all kinds of fantastic toppings like zucchini and pasta. They also sell breakfast stuff and coffee in the mornings. There is one bathroom in the upstairs shop. Out back, and just outside the window I am sitting near, is a large community cooking area. There is a big sink for dish washing and several picnic tables under cover where people use their own stoves and cook food. There are also lockers and shelves where people can store their food. Next to the cooking area is a little shack with and outdoor bathroom and a few pay showers. This is all directly behind the pizza shop. To the north is a large field with about 25 tents set up in it and a yellow slack line about four feet off the ground. The parking lot (where the Rialta is parked) holds probably 100 vehicles. There are two picnic tables out front of the building too. Oh-- and Miguel's is painted bright yellow with an amazing carved wooden door. The door to this little internet basement nook is the same type of door and the carved figure is climber lying back the door crack. The cost for camping is $2/night per climber. Yes, that means that non-climbers aren't really welcome. Other than the addition of free internet and this lovely room I sit in now, not much has changed at Miguel's. The rates haven't even gone up, it was $2/night 7 years ago!! Miguel is in and out and always friendly, as are all the staff (most of which are climbers). Most hours of the day there are people here milling about talking about climbing. What they are going to climb, what they have climbed, where they are going to climb next, their best epic story, etc. At one table the first night we were here there were 8 people seated there, 6 of which are unemployed. I heard someone refer to us (collectively) as the fit homeless.
We met a cool couple the first day we were here, Jeremy and Kim, and climbed with them all day yesterday. They are about our speed and like to climb trad too (which is not the norm for this area). Kim is tiny and she climbs hard, so I'm loving climbing with her. Her shoe size is 2!!! They ride their Harley to the crags and they are pro-Brutus. We have decided to be a gang of Ninja's for Halloween. :)
Yesterday I onsighted two 10b's and Jay onsighted a 10d. We're feeling like 11's are in range and maybe Timewave Zero will be a possibility in Potrero.
We met a cool couple the first day we were here, Jeremy and Kim, and climbed with them all day yesterday. They are about our speed and like to climb trad too (which is not the norm for this area). Kim is tiny and she climbs hard, so I'm loving climbing with her. Her shoe size is 2!!! They ride their Harley to the crags and they are pro-Brutus. We have decided to be a gang of Ninja's for Halloween. :)
Yesterday I onsighted two 10b's and Jay onsighted a 10d. We're feeling like 11's are in range and maybe Timewave Zero will be a possibility in Potrero.