Monday, October 8, 2007

Gotta write.

I've been negligent. I have a lot I need to catch up on, but as soon as I got back "home" it seems fecal matter once again began hitting the fan. I have been avoiding writing because all I can think about is a bunch of stuff you all don't need to know about. But, I am wise enough to know that I operate best when I write and I get that crap out of my system. My friend Molly, who has saved my life more times than I can count in the last year and half, bought a book for me this morning and called me and told me to pick it up at the B. Daltons at the Southern Park Mall (just a few miles from my parents' house). The book is called "Eat, Pray, Love". I have read only a few pages, but it is what brought me here to sit and write and get some thoughts out. I love reading, I love writing, and I have been on the verge of some kind of spiritual discovery. I will in no way claim to be born again or even Christian for that matter, but I did go to church yesterday. This book is exactly what I need right now. What kind of friend buys a book and tells me to go pick it up because "it's a life changer."? Molly does. That's while Molly and I will be sipping tea together when we're 80. Thanks, Mol. I love ya.

Pray for my cousin, Bobby. Pray for my dad tomorrow. And pray that there will be some closure to this potential trial by the end of 2007 so that I can chalk it all up to a bad year. Thanks.


Blogger Daniel and Bekah Moor said...

Wow, enjoying the blog immensely. Hope all is well, and my prayers are def with you. We all miss you back here in CA, and I'm rooting for a move back west for you guys at the end of the trip.

October 9, 2007 at 5:34 PM  

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